Thursday, June 11, 2009

Treasuretrooper New Way to Get the $50 visa Gift card

If you would like to get a real good jump start to earning even more on this site every month, i suggest you spend your first month or two after signing up - doing offers until you reach about $100. Or you can do offers until you reach $50 one time, and do the next steps below, and reach $50 again , and repeat this process.

*Then go to the "trading hut"
-(this is found on the left hand side of the page after you log in ).
*You will then see a button to the right hand side of the page that says "currency converter". You will need to click on this button.

*after you click on the "currency converter" button, you will see 4 options to choose from where you can trade your earnings for virtual prizes, and more.

*Keep clicking yes next to the option that says "Would you like to give 2 dollars for 1 platinum coin? " and occasionally click on the button "my treasure"

-(found on the left hand side of the screen after you log in),
and check the number next to the silver looking coin

-(better known as your "platinum coins")
under the "my valuables" section

-(its also on the "my treasure " page) until that reaches "50".

*then for the last time, go back to the "trading hut", and find the item named "$50 visa gift card", then click "purchase". Then go through the process of getting your iformation. You wil receive an activation code you can use when you receive your visa gift card (in the mail) from a email that treasuretrooper will send you.
 *when you receive your visa gift card, and you’ve activated it, hurry and log back into your treasuretrooper account, and do all of the free trials offers that you want to do, and also do some of the credit card offers that you want to do.

They pay more, plus you can do them along with the free offers, and receive your first big check in the mail, or your first big paypal payment. Its up to you.

*and in return for using your visa gift card to earn more on treasuretrooper, you can do all the offers you choose that pay platinum coins. These coins will go towards getting another visa gift card after you "use up" the first one you got.

And you can do this over and over, for as long ad you like and get a check along with your visa gift card too!!
Good luck with your adventure and your earning potential on Treasuretrooper!! Remember - if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, and I’ll see what i can do to help you!!
If you really want to reach the payout for your first month or two, try focusing on doing the quarter bin offers. they have a better approval rate, and they're easy to do!!

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