Thursday, June 11, 2009

Treasuretrooper doing free trial cell phone offers

Hate doing offers for the smaller amounts of money?

Here’s how you can do it by spending a small amount of money!!

When you login to your account, clcick on the button on the left side of the page that says "cash offers"

When that page comes up, and loads completely, scroll down to the section where you can sort the offers based on if they are free, require credit cards, and such.

On the left side click on the arrow, and a drop down menu will appear. Choose "free trials"

Then that page will show up in a few seconds. Scroll down and you will see a list of offers that will say in their description:

"pay 4.95 shipping and handling"
or something like this.

Now all of the offers in the "free trial section" don’t require you to but anything.

Scroll through the list, and go from page to page by clicking the buttons at the bottom of list (previous and next) until you see an offer inthe list that says:

"enter you cell number and confirm your pin number"
or something like this.

Look at how much you can get paid for that offer. It should be anywhere from $2.00 to $7.00. in fact, this is one of the types of offers that helped me reach payout when i joined treasuretrooper, and it made the amount of my check bigger than what i expected. I did three of these types of offers total. So it really helps when you do these.

Now what you want to do is click on the name of the offer where you just have to enter your cell number and confirm the 4 digit pin they send to your phone.
When this page comes up, type in your cell number, and click the "submit’ or "continue" button to move on to the next step.

In a few minutes you should see a a text message on your cell phone. Read it, and spot the number behind the words "pin". That number is the pin number.

Type this in on the page of the offer that you are on.

Click submit or the continue button and wait for the next website to load completely.

Go back to treasure trooper where you left it on the "free trial offer" section, and find the offer you clicked on, and click the done button that is next to it.

Delete your cookies, and play the pearl game. And your done.

In a few minutes (of course it depends), you should have made an extra $2 to $7 dollars by just doing one offer.

Note: if you are worried about your cellphone service being charged, you can try only using a cell number from a prepaid phone. If you dont have one, buy a tracfone . they are the cheapest, and the text messages are too. You’ll still be charged for using the service – but only when you receive and send a text message.
Good luck with your adventure on treasuretrooper

Treasuretrooper New Way to Get the $50 visa Gift card

If you would like to get a real good jump start to earning even more on this site every month, i suggest you spend your first month or two after signing up - doing offers until you reach about $100. Or you can do offers until you reach $50 one time, and do the next steps below, and reach $50 again , and repeat this process.

*Then go to the "trading hut"
-(this is found on the left hand side of the page after you log in ).
*You will then see a button to the right hand side of the page that says "currency converter". You will need to click on this button.

*after you click on the "currency converter" button, you will see 4 options to choose from where you can trade your earnings for virtual prizes, and more.

*Keep clicking yes next to the option that says "Would you like to give 2 dollars for 1 platinum coin? " and occasionally click on the button "my treasure"

-(found on the left hand side of the screen after you log in),
and check the number next to the silver looking coin

-(better known as your "platinum coins")
under the "my valuables" section

-(its also on the "my treasure " page) until that reaches "50".

*then for the last time, go back to the "trading hut", and find the item named "$50 visa gift card", then click "purchase". Then go through the process of getting your iformation. You wil receive an activation code you can use when you receive your visa gift card (in the mail) from a email that treasuretrooper will send you.
 *when you receive your visa gift card, and you’ve activated it, hurry and log back into your treasuretrooper account, and do all of the free trials offers that you want to do, and also do some of the credit card offers that you want to do.

They pay more, plus you can do them along with the free offers, and receive your first big check in the mail, or your first big paypal payment. Its up to you.

*and in return for using your visa gift card to earn more on treasuretrooper, you can do all the offers you choose that pay platinum coins. These coins will go towards getting another visa gift card after you "use up" the first one you got.

And you can do this over and over, for as long ad you like and get a check along with your visa gift card too!!
Good luck with your adventure and your earning potential on Treasuretrooper!! Remember - if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, and I’ll see what i can do to help you!!
If you really want to reach the payout for your first month or two, try focusing on doing the quarter bin offers. they have a better approval rate, and they're easy to do!!

Treasuretrooper and Cashcrate getting referrals

For treasure trooper:

you can make a blog, website, or add your link in the comment/description section of your files if you use a filesharing site of some sort. is a great site. you can go in and add your link in the description of all your files that you upload to your account at once, and you get traffic to files all kinds of ways. so when someone is looking for a file to download and that file is from from you, they'll see your link under it everytime! Always make sure to put "make some extra money! visit:" first before you type in your referral link!

and here's another way:

Want some referrals so that you can get some of what they earn?
Its easier than ever.

Just play the pearl game that shows up after each time you click the "done" button after completing an offer. If you won a pearl, and that offer gets approved, you get the pearl too.

Keep doing this as you go until you get 8 pearls. Then go to the trading hut (found on left side of page after you sign into your account) and purchase a pearl friendship bracelet. This will give you two referrals every time you get 8 pearls and do this.

The next two new members to sign up for a treasuretrooper account but are not referred by a member are yours!

You can do this for as long as you like, and you will truly benefit from it!
Good luck with your adventures on treasure trooper!!


For Cashcrate:

you can also make a blog, website, or promote your link in the description section of your files on a file sharing website, if you use it.

Good Luck with both sites!


Cashcrate Getting Offers To Approve

For new cashcrate members and existing cashcrate members
I’ll give you tips on how to increase your earning potential on the site.

On Cashcrate, you get paid to complete offers, sign up for free trials, shop through Cashcrate and more! And you don’t need a credit card!!

Here’s some tips on how to get more offers approved:

1. first I’d recommend creating at least 5 new email addresses to start with before doing any offers.


2. You should use each of these emails for one offer each. 5 separate emails for 5 separate offers. OK?

3. When you are signed into your cashcrate account, click on the name of the offer, example "subway gift card" then when the offers page shows up, use the first email address out of the 5 you created.

4. Remember to use truthful info when doing an offer, for me, the 25 cent offer are the easiest for me.
5. when you reach the "final steps" page, leave it open for at least five minutes, then go back to the list of offers on tereasure trooper that you did that offer from. Find the "submit" button next to the offer you just finished, and click it.

6. you will then see a page that explains what you’ll recieve in exchange for completing the offer. At this moment, i’d recommend clearing your browser cookies.


7. Now go back to the offer page where it says "final steps", close that window by finding the "x" button located at the top right hand corner of the window.

8. You have completed your offer, and increased your chance for approval!
An Extra tip for the 25 cent offers:
*when you reach the "final steps" page, leave it open, and click on two offers in the list below the gift image.

*make sure to let the offer pages you clicked on stay open, and let them load completely, then continue with steps 6 through 8 as stated above in the tips for getting more of your offers to approve.


Treasuretrooper Getting Offers To Approve

For New Troopers and Existing Troopers

I’ll give you tips on how to increase your earning potential on the site.

On treasuretrooper, you get paid to complete offers, sign up for free trials, shop through treasure trooper and more! And you don’t need a credit card!!

Here’s some tips on how to get more offers approved:
1. first I’d recommend creating at least 5 new email addresses to start with before doing any offers.(suggestions: , , )

2. You should use each of these emails for one offer each. 5 separate emails for 5 separate offers. OK?

3. When you are signed into your treasuretrooper account, click on the name of the offer, example "subway gift card" then when the offers page shows up, use the first email address out of the 5 you created.

4. Remember to use truthful info when doing an offer, for me, the quarter bin offers (which are found on the right side of the page when you first log into your account) and the "enter email address with intent to participate" offers are the easiest for me.
5. when you reach the "final steps" page, leave it open for at least five minutes, then go back to the list of offers on tereasure trooper that you did that offer from. Find the "done" button next to the offer you just finished, and click it.

6. you will then see a page that explains what you’ll recieve in exchange for completing the offer. At this moment, i’d recommend clearing your browser cookies. Then click the play now button below so the pearl game starts to load.
7. Now go back to the offer page where it says "final steps", close that window by finding the "x" button located at the top right hand corner of the window.
8. You have completed your offer, and increased your chance for approval!

9. go right back to the pearl game you clicked on earlier and choose one of the three objects to see if you can find a pearl in them. When your offer is approved - and if you won a pearl, it will be added to your "pearl stash" found on your "my treasure" page.

10. you earn pearls, gold coins, and platinum coins for doing the offers and getting them to approve.
 A tip about the "quarter bin" offers:

*when you reach the "final steps" page, leave it open, and click on two offers in the list below the gift image.

*make sure to let the offer pages you clicked on stay open, and let them load completely, then continue with steps 5 through 9 as stated above in the tips for getting more of your offers to approve.



GREAT NEWS! I RECEIVED MY FIRST CHECK FROM CASH CRATE!THE CHECK WAS FOR $23.60! This is proof that cash crate is legit and it pays!

If you're looking for another site where you can make money for completing offers, taking surveys, and a site that has payment proof and plenty of testimonials,
Cash Crate is a site you really need to look at.

It's like any other gpt complete offer site, but it is more simplified.

The 25 cent offers are the easiest to start with. they approve amazingly fast. even if you've done a couple of them, and logged out, they're likely to approve overnight - which is great.

I have had offers approve for me overnight numerous of times. It eases the worry of that "it has to approve in the same day" attitude.

And again, If you are planning to sign up with CASHCRATE, why not do it with my link, because I'll tell you how to make at least $60 on this site, too. Maybe you'll want to try the tip for your first month - who knows?

It's free to signup, you don't need a credit card to join, and you'll get paid by check!

SIGN UP WITH CashCrate TODAY! I'll help you with any thing you need to know about the site!

after you sign up, you will receive an automated message with the $60 tip included to your email inbox.



I think that treasure trooper is a great gpt site. i have been a member for about a month and a few weeks, and i have gotten my first check!Basically, you get paid to do offers and surveys, once you've reached $20 or more, they send it to you by check, or by pay pal. The payment method you choose is YOUR CHOICE.

Take a look at my first check Above: $29.25!

Almost 75 percent of my first check came from doing 3 free trial offers. they were all cell phone number submits, but they were worth it. all i had to do was enter my cell number, and confirm the pin number that i received in a text message.

And as of now, i have some referrals and i have my second check about to come in the mail in a couple of days. I'll be posting my payment proof as soon as I get it - on treasuretroopers' forum, and on my blog.

I know i'll be sticking with this site in the long run! Sign up with my link below. You won't regret it because I'm going to offer something extra if you sign up with my link. You'll get the full benefit, and it will be up to you if you want to try it.

I'll email you a tip on how to make at least $60 on this site, if you're interested and want to make the payout in a convient amount of time. the tip requires minimal effort on your part, and will boost your earnings effectively.

It's free to sign up! You don't need a credit card to do it! and you'll be paid by check or paypal - YOU CHOOSE!

SIGN UP WITH TreasureTrooper TODAY! I'll help you with any thing you need to know about the site!

after you sign up, log into your treasuretrooper account,

click the "my treasure" button to the left side of the page,

then on your "my treasure" page click "contact my referrals".

you will see a notice that i want to contact you. click the "accept" button.

after this, i will know your email address, and email the $60 tip to you a.s.a.p.

good luck with your adventures on treasuretrooper!


Welcome to the generous gpt guide blog!

Here you will find generous tips on how to make money and increase your earning potential on some gpt sites you may or may not know about.

I hope you'll find all of the information and tips on this blog very helpful!