Hate doing offers for the smaller amounts of money?
Here’s how you can do it by spending a small amount of money!!
When you login to your account, clcick on the button on the left side of the page that says "cash offers"
When that page comes up, and loads completely, scroll down to the section where you can sort the offers based on if they are free, require credit cards, and such.
On the left side click on the arrow, and a drop down menu will appear. Choose "free trials"
Then that page will show up in a few seconds. Scroll down and you will see a list of offers that will say in their description:
"pay 4.95 shipping and handling"
or something like this.
Now all of the offers in the "free trial section" don’t require you to but anything.
Scroll through the list, and go from page to page by clicking the buttons at the bottom of list (previous and next) until you see an offer inthe list that says:
"enter you cell number and confirm your pin number"
or something like this.
Look at how much you can get paid for that offer. It should be anywhere from $2.00 to $7.00. in fact, this is one of the types of offers that helped me reach payout when i joined treasuretrooper, and it made the amount of my check bigger than what i expected. I did three of these types of offers total. So it really helps when you do these.
Now what you want to do is click on the name of the offer where you just have to enter your cell number and confirm the 4 digit pin they send to your phone.
When this page comes up, type in your cell number, and click the "submit’ or "continue" button to move on to the next step.
In a few minutes you should see a a text message on your cell phone. Read it, and spot the number behind the words "pin". That number is the pin number.
Type this in on the page of the offer that you are on.
Click submit or the continue button and wait for the next website to load completely.
Go back to treasure trooper where you left it on the "free trial offer" section, and find the offer you clicked on, and click the done button that is next to it.
Delete your cookies, and play the pearl game. And your done.
In a few minutes (of course it depends), you should have made an extra $2 to $7 dollars by just doing one offer.
Note: if you are worried about your cellphone service being charged, you can try only using a cell number from a prepaid phone. If you dont have one, buy a tracfone . they are the cheapest, and the text messages are too. You’ll still be charged for using the service – but only when you receive and send a text message.
Good luck with your adventure on treasuretrooper